Multi-Million Dollar Businesses

How to Get Everyone at Your Company Marketing

Marketing should not be limited to one person or a department. Use these methods for empowering everyone at your company to get the word out!

All companies, regardless of size and number of staff, use marketing to procure new clients and customers. Sometimes this involves one individual and other times an entire department. However, there are ways to drive customer growth that get all of your personnel involved in the process, expanding the concept of marketing beyond one person or one team. To that end, here are seven easy methods for you to be leveraging every individual within your company to get the word out:

Social Causes   

Sorting out occasions and fundraising activities for charity in the company name is a good way to do a good deed at the same time as marketing the company. Fun runs and charity bike rides are examples of events that can improve the profile of the company, while the main focus should always be on raising money for a good cause.

Networking Sites

Professional networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can be handy in presenting your business in a unified way online, so it’s worth training employees on the benefits and effective procedure to get the most out of them, so that both the company and your employees are aligned and benefit. Again, another very easy technique to get into place.

Referral Programs

Reward employees whenever they introduce a prospective client to the company. You’d be surprised how a simple referral program can organically increase your leads and customers. Make the program exciting for employees, by holding a quarterly raffle in which anyone who had referred a lead such quarter can win a free weekend escape, or tickets to an upcoming show, or dinner at a great restaurant in town.


Company-branded clothing such as t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies is an easy way for staff to go about their everyday lifestyle while still helping to get the word out about your business. The more you can order clothing in the style that your employees feel comfortable, the more you’re likely to see them around town in your gear.

Mugs & Stationary

Company-branded items like mugs and stationary done properly will give promotional value purely through their everyday use. This is especially true of stationary – think of the amount of times you’ve used a company’s pen for months after finding one in a hurry. Providing these items to all staff and giving them to potential customers and clients is an easy way to put this into practice.

Business Cards

Although things like business cards are pretty much a basic requirement for employees of some companies, many other job sectors don’t utilize them, which can be missing a very important facet of pushing the company brand. By giving all employees their own set of cards, the company can present a team image to the world.

Company Cars

If your business provides employees with company cars, there is the
opportunity to advertise on the side of them or to even wrap the entire
car in an advertisement. Although it may sound cheesy, if done
appropriately with a professional look, it means that the firm will be
advertised whenever staff members are off site and in some cases even

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