Start your own business to help fund your retirement

Planning for retirement is an important part of our lives. We all know the statistics: we’re living longer and have more income needs for retirement years that are extended beyond the previous generation.

There are many resources and strategies for how best to accomplish our life goals. A recent Washington Post article shares some statistics that claim that African Americans are more likely to plan on starting a small business as a part of their retirement income strategy. Good thinking!!

So many retirement plans call for anticipating future markets in stocks, mutual funds, real estate – even employer pension plans call for a certain level of “betting on the home team”.

By starting your own small business NOW, you are shifting that bet to a commodity that you know better than any other …. Yourself! And starting up now allows you to learn how best to manage and run your business so that it can supply an income stream that properly contributes to your overall plan, which likely will include the traditional retirement income strategies.

Like the Sloan brothers always say, there’s no better time that right now to start your own business. What’s the first step? I’m glad you asked!!

Step 1 of StartupNation’s 10 Steps to Open for Business

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