Tips for calculating ROI for brand marketing

Calculating a return on investment in brand marketing campaigns can be challenging for companies of all sizes. For start ups that have yet to establish sophisticated tracking and reporting processes, even more so. Here are a few basic tips to measure the effectiveness of your first brand marketing campaigns that may include: company business cards, premium items with logos printed on them, or your first leap into advertising.

First, establish some level of benchmark before you spend money and before your campaign hits the airwaves, publications or market. For example, measure the average number of hits on your website by setting up GoogleAnalytics tracking (hint- its FREE). Next, count the average number of people that fill out your contact us form on your website on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, and finally what is your average monthly revenue goals, again, weekly or monthly. Now you have 3 points to measure before and after you launch a brand campaign. My last suggestion would be to make sure you include some sort of direct response method into your brand campaigns. Printing shirts and company giveaways include a URL with a special offer. Running an ad in the local paper, use a simple URL that is easy to remember. Finally, integrate all of your campaigns with email and social media tactics to help increase the overall awareness of your message.

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