Singing The End of Summer Blues.

I hate to see summer go. Why?

The hot days? Nah. The ample sunshine? Uh-huh. The carefree days? Get real.

I miss the presence of my free (sorta free) labor source: my children. During the summer, you’ll find my kids stuffing envelopes, stacking boxes, and even helping me with their computer-savviness. As you’ll recall, I have none.

While some critics may say this is some sort of child exploitation, they have probably never been through child birth. Consider this a little payback.

See, this really teaches my kids several lessons. They’re learning about running a business. They’re learning how to establish a work ethic.

And they learn that school isn’t so bad after all. I’m the only mother who’s children are sprinting to the bus stop on the first day of school. My kids love school so much that after a couple summers working for taskmaster Stella and Stella Inc., they’ll probably be in grad school until they’re at least 40.

If anybody else wants to have a doctor in their family, let me know… I’ll be accepting applications for interns next summer!

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