Starting a small business: The Wheat Thins for lunch strategy

Life is full of give & take choices. Finding that balance that works for your own life plan is one of the essential keys to success. For entrepreneurs in the early startup phase, it’s often the simplest of things that get compromised in order to build toward the independent dream life that owning your own business can provide.

OK folks, we’ve all been there. Cash flow is a little tight. We’re checking the mailbox for that promised check to arrive. But we gotta eat.

What has been your belt-tightening lunch (or dinner) of choice. That magic food that fills your belly just enough to keep you going and costs only pennies. Hey, that’s the short term strategy that every successful entrepreneur can tell personal stories about.

Kim shared in a blog comment that hers has been Wheat Thins. Mine was Lucky Charms for an elegant 7pm dinner – then it’s back to hacking at the computer.

So here it is, the essential StartupNation community strategy of creative entrepreneurial brown bagging.

Tell your story. Ah, go ahead … There’s comfort in sharing your comfort food. I promise.

Many thanks to Kim for the inspiration!!

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