Fake It…Till You Make It!

I had a good friend of mine, and a very successful vendor at QVC who makes about $50 million a year successful….tell me sister, fake it till you make it! Boy, take her advice.

I am all about making it…BIG…but what happens if you’re not quite there yet? Well you know FAKE IT!

Everyone to some degree has faked it, until they made it. A little exaggeration here or there never hurt anyone. You have to look big sometimes to get a big account, or snag that client. Hell, we all do some faking it until…well whenever.

A true entrepreneur never really makes it anyway; they just reach goals, then get board and start all over. So, they fake it until they get to a certain point…we all do it. I know some of the best big fakers around!

Be very careful when you’re faking it however, you never want to mislead others or make yourself out to be what you cannot someday become. Just a light dusting of events is totally acceptable.

To this I say…Fake it till you make it!

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