How is Your Website Doing So Far This Year?

February is already here, and it’s time to see how your Website is doing so far this year.

If they are not going well…

Find out what is happening.

Is site traffic down because you have broken links?
Perhaps, your target-market wants different copy?

Look at your analytics and find out what is going on. If you see broken links, fix them. If your find that your customers are clicking frequently on a particular page, write more of that same content.

By reviewing you statistics, you can find out what is not going well and fix it. More important, you can discover what information is valuable to your customers right now.

If they are going so-so…

Take a look at what is working and what isn’t.

Which pages are the most popular on your Website?

Which marketing campaigns are bringing in new sales and which aren’t?

The great thing about today’s technology is that you can see what activities are working and change those that aren’t for the best results. If you are not taking advantage of Web analytics, e-mail statistics and other, information you can track, start using it to take your activities to the next level of success.

If they are going great…

Good for you! But this is no time to stop.

Look at your analytics and run A/B tests on your marketing campaigns to see what works best. All of your activities can be improved and updated to match the needs of your current, target market.

By providing the most valuable information at the best time, you can increase new site visitors and sales fast. But if you sit around celebrating your success without improving your activities, the competition will start stealing customers before you know it.

Keep Moving Forward.

Whether things are going well or not, you can always be improving your current activities and moving forward. Your customers always want the latest and greatest information. By reviewing your statistics, knowing what is going on with your different campaigns and being on top of customer needs, you can provide valuable information that keeps you one step ahead of the competition.

For more help with your SEO copywriting activities, please write to me below or at

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