Encouraging Better Health in Employees at a Small Business

The workplace has been established as one of the priority settings for health advancement. Having wellness in the workplace is not just for a big business it is also for small businesses. As entrepreneurs, you can encourage wellness, too.

Implementing a “healthy workplace” you can reap the benefits. They can include increased employee morale; decreased absenteeism increased productivity and decreased health insurance premiums. Most importantly, if you offer employees the educational tools and resources to purchase their own individual health insurance, they will strive to be healthier due to their individual accountability and financial gains.

Keep in mind, the best wellness programs don’t come from upper management, they come from the employees themselves. Take inventory and ask employees what they’re interested in and if they will be more likely to engage in a healthy lifestyle and company-sponsored programs.

Think about offering wellness education, health tips for employees to maximize their exercise regimens, and other low-cost options to make getting healthy fun. Weekly group exercise regimens for employees to voluntarily participate in are also great starters. The professional benefits are endless when employees are living their best life both at work and at home. As entrepreneurs, that’s exactly what we want.

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