NEW Military Home Shopping Channel to Launch!

What will help products reach MILLIONS of consumers? T.V. of course!

The Military Shopping Channel (MSC) will be a fabulous new shopping model that will have access to over 12+ MILLION active duty and retired military personnel, and their families. Holy Toledo!

After returning from Tampa, and visiting with Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, I am convinced nothing could be truer.

With many retailers being afraid to pioneer new products, and not so willing to give a new product a chance to shine; TV will continue to be the big star for getting item noticed my millions in a nano-second. Look at the Snuggy, no retailer carried it until a test on TV was successful. Then they bought so many that they had them stacked from store floor to the ceiling.

After spending the day with Kevin and his fabulous staff that at, I realized that products need a different forum for getting noticed in today’s tough retail market. That is what Kevin and his company are doing.  Given buyers are not buying like they use to for retail; TV may be that exposure products need to launch. Even better if you can get a TV company to license the product from you. Something that Kevin Harrington and his company do very well. Kevin is known for  being the original infomercial KING, and by GOD he has the credentials to prove it!

I met with Famous Amos (Amous Harp), the cookie guy, at the launch party in Florida and let me tell you it was super exciting. Celebrities like Robert Kioysaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad author), Georg Foreman, Montel Williams and Jessica Schwarzkopf (daughter of General Schwarzkopf), are slated to launch the channel in Spring 2011!

So, if you think you have a product that might fit into this exciting shopping channel, let us know. We will fill you in on all that is involved in the process, and maybe you will have the NEXT BIG Military TV Product!


Kim Babjak

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